Who We Are
Finding Inspiration at Every Turn

A Warm Welcome


Group Listing
Our Mission...Our Vision
Our Mission Statement
Our relationship with God and each other strengthens us, and helps make the world a better place. We welcome
and include everyone into
congregational life.
Our Vision Statement
To be a safe haven for ALL who seek peace, justice, freedom; a place where differences are celebrated and accepted as gifts; where new ideas and new ways are not feared but rather embraced as we learn to expand our hearts so that ALL are welcome.
Affirming Statement
We are an Affirming Church. We seek to make this community a reflection of God's plan, to be a safe haven for ALL. We affirm that this includes persons of all sexual orientations, race, ages, gender identities, abilities, economic circumstances and talents.

Getting to know us
A Warm Welcome
It is our desire to be a friendly, supportive people offering a positive Christian witness in the spirit of love.
We hope that you feel at home with us during your visit at Huron Shores United Church. If the Minister or any other member of our congregation can help you in any way please let us know.
Together in Leadership
MINISTER: Rev. Nancy Knowles: nancyknowles0@gmail.com
COUNCIL CHAIR: Deb Gill: john.debgill@gmail.com
COUNCIL VICE-CHAIR: Roger Hyatt: roger.hyatt.1961@gmail.com
TREASURER: Lori Hyatt: hsuc.financechair@gmail.com
OFFICE ADMIN: Christine Wilde: huronshoresunitedchurch@gmail.com
COMMUNITY WELLNESS: Christine Wilde: hsuccommunitywellness@gmail.com
MUSIC DIRECTOR: Elva McIntyre: hsucmusic@gmail.com

Get Involved
Group Listing
Community Wellness Program
Grand Bend Place
Right Relations
Bible Study
Prayer Shawl Ministry
Caring Casseroles & Cards
Free Store
Food Pantry
Grocery Gift Cards
​Congregational Visitors